White collar crimes always require a strong and aggressive defense.
White Collar Criminal Defense
Generally speaking, white collar crimes are those that are financial in nature and may involve federal as well as state charges. Being convicted of a white collar crime can seriously impact your ability to maintain a professional license and continue working.
Too often, people believe if they are being investigated and feel they have not done anything wrong think they do not need legal assistance. This is not the case, however. New York prosecutors aggressively pursue all white collar crimes and will prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law. Even those who are under investigation should seek the services of a white collar crimes attorney to protect them.

Too often, people believe if they are being investigated but feel they have not done anything wrong think they do not need legal assistance. This is not the case, however. New York prosecutors aggressively pursue all white collar crimes and will prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law. Even those who are under investigation should seek the services of a white collar crimes attorney to protect them. Unfortunately, seemingly innocuous questions by investigators could land you in hot water without you ever realizing it.
There is no need to wait for an indictment by a Grand Jury or for charges to be lodged against you to seek legal assistance. Even if you believe you have done nothing wrong, you could still face charges if your business is under investigation. White collar crimes carry harsh sentences thanks to new rules passed nearly 20 years ago. In addition to losing the license you may need to earn a living, you could be facing harsh prison sentences if you are convicted and found guilty of a white collar crime.
It is important to understand that not everyone who is investigated is necessarily guilty, nor will they always face prosecution. However, it is critical that you understand your rights if you are under investigation and know what questions you should answer for investigators. Keep in mind that an investigation means digging for information to back up suspicions, not necessarily to seek the truth. You could implicate yourself in a white collar crime if you are not cautious about the information you provide to investigators.
Call Solomon Richman P.C. at (516) 437-6443 if you believe you are being investigated for a white collar crime. We’ll be happy to work with you to preserve your good name and your license to do business.